• Pakistan: Punjab government rush through defamation act Pakistan: Punjab government rush through defamation act

    The Punjab Provincial Assembly has passed the Punjab Defamation Act of 2024 despite protests from observing journalists and opposition politicians and widespread criticism for its ‘draconian’ provisions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the bill’s passing, highlight its potential to be weaponised against critics […]

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  • PFUJ condemn another journalist murdered

    Lahore: President Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists GM Jamali, Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem, Secretary Finance Jameel Mirza and members of the Federal Executive Council strongly condemned the murder of correspondent of Daily Khabarin and Sach News Muzaffargarh, Meher Ashfaq Sial, and demanded the Punjab government and the IG Police to arrest the killers. They […]

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  • PFUJ stage Countrywide protest against Jan Mehar murder impunity

    Lahore: Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has staged country wide protests on Saturday against impunity of Jan Muhammad Mehar’s nine months old murder and demanded the Government of Sindh Province to arrest the nominated culprits and punish them after speedy trials. Jan Muhammad Mehar was murdered nine month ago and Sindh Police has been […]

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  • PFUJ holds Rallies, Seminars, protests on WPFD

    Lahore: President PFUJ GM Jamali and Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem has shown their grave concerns over the freedom of media in Pakistan and reiterated to continue their struggler for the freedom of media and rights of the media workers while condemned the killing of yet another journalist President Khuzdar Press Club Siddiq Mengal who […]

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  • PFUJ: Illegal Terminations in Media

    PFUJ Letter to Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan Subject: Illegal Terminations in Media Respected Sir, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) is an elected representative body of over Ten Thousand working journalists from Print, Electronic, Digital and freelance media of Pakistan and is the only body affiliated with International Federation of Journalists […]

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