Press Statement

Pakistan: IFJ President Dominique Pradalié leads protest rally in Islamabad

17 Feb, 2025

Lahore: IFJ President Dominique Pradalie led a protest rally to condemn the PECA act in Islamabad (February 14). During her two-day visit to Islamabad on February 13 and 14, Dominique stood in solidarity with the Pakistani journalists’ community and showed that IFJ and the rest of the world stood with and supported the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) efforts to condemn draconian laws like the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA). The IFJ President spoke of the importance of standing up to laws that threaten the rights of freedom of speech and expression in the country and promoting democracy, which was promised by the UN charter and the constitution of Pakistan.

Dominique Pradalie’, IFJ President, with GM Jamali, PFUJ’s out-going president, Shakeel Ahmed, newly elected Secretary General, PFUJ participating in a protest against PECA Law in Islamabad, Pakistan (Feb 14, 2025)


The PFUJ arranged a peaceful rally in Islamabad to protest against the PECA. Dominique led the peaceful rally, accompanied by the newly elected PFUJ President Rana Muhammad Azeem and Secretary General Shakeel Ahmad. Hundreds of PFUJ members and civil society representatives also participated in the rally.

The rally started from Embassy Road to D-Chowk in front of the Parliament House. It was met with a heavy deployment of armed police personnel aided by armored vehicles and a tear gas squad, which intervened to stop the rally and manhandled President Rana Azeem. Fortunately, they were pushed by the journalists, who proceeded to D-Chowk, where they protested.

Rally participants carried placards demanding the government abolish the PECA laws. While addressing the participants, IFJ President Dominique said that she had come to Pakistan to join hands with the Pakistani journalists’ community to protest against PECA and demanded that the Pakistani government take PECA back and consult the stakeholders before any legislation against fake news.

“We reject the draconian PECA Act.  IFJ, representatives of over 600,000 journalists worldwide, stand by the PFUJ in their fight to restore the freedom of speech and expression for a stronger democracy”. She added that IFJ was going to the UNO and the European Union to rally for the journalists’ freedom of speech and safety. At the same time, they will take every step to safeguard the rights of the journalists of Pakistan and other parts of the world.

PFUJ President Rana Azeem, Secretary Shakeel Ahmad, former president GM Jamali, senior unionist Hassan Abbas, and other leaders said they reject the PECA Law and will continue protesting until it is removed. They added that they vowed to restore the country’s freedom of speech and expression. President Rana Azeem announced that he would stage countrywide protests on Feb 21 and 22 against PECA. He urged the government to fulfill the demands of the PFUJ for the betterment of the journalists’ community and media workers in Pakistan.

Dominique arrived in Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital, on February 13 and was warmly received by PFUJ Secretary Information and International Coordinator Ihtsham-ul Haq and the President of Punjab Union of Journalists (PUJ) at the airport. She monitored PFUJ elections held at a local hotel and joined the election commissioner to announce the results.

She congratulated newly elected PFUJ President Rana Muhammad Azeem, Secretary General Shakeel Ahmad, Treasurer Sheher Bano, Secretary Information Ihtsham-ul-Haq, and other Federal Executive Council (FEC) members. She hoped that the newly elected body would continue fighting for the rights of the journalist community in Pakistan.

Later in the afternoon, she attended a “Pakistan Media Crisis” seminar held by the PFUJ. The seminar was attended by top political leaders of the opposition parties, the CPNE President Syed Irshad Arif, and renowned senior journalists and anchorpersons. The speakers condemned the promulgation of PECA and demanded the government let journalists work freely and lift the unannounced censorship.

On this occasion, the IFJ President said free media was necessary for democracy. Citizens could not be deprived of their right to know and have information.”The IFJ strongly condemns any law curtailing freedom of speech and expression. She urged the government of Pakistan to provide security and basic rights to journalists and media workers and end impunity to the crimes against journalists. She condemned the killing of journalists in Gaza and other countries. She emphasised that unity was the key to success and urged the journalist community to initiate a united fight for their rights.

The IFJ President also visited the French Embassy (February 14) and thanked the Ambassador for his support in accommodating hundreds of Afghan journalists and their families over the last two years.

IFJ President Dominique Pradalie’s visit to Pakistan was a great success. It helped highlight and support many PFUJ and journalist campaigns and promoted unionism in the country.

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