
Pakistan: IFJ President advocates for press freedom

18 Feb, 2025

On a recent visit coinciding with elections to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) Federal Executive Council, IFJ President Dominique Pradalié urged Pakistani authorities to uphold freedom of expression, repeal the draconian PECA act, and provide urgent support for the nation’s media community. The IFJ stands in solidarity with the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists in its fight for labour rights and press freedom in Pakistan and urging authorities to guarantee the safety of the press.


IFJ President Dominique Pradalié and PFUJ members protest in Islamabad on February 14, 2024. Credit: PFUJ

On Friday, February 14, IFJ President Dominique Pradalié led a protest march against recent amendments to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) in Islamabad, alongside PFUJ members, journalists, President Rana Muhammad Azeem, and Secretary General Shakeel Ahmad.

The rally reached the Parliament House in Islamabad that afternoon, facing a strong contingent of armed police while travelling to the D-Chowk area of central Islamabad, opposite the Parliament House building. At the rally, President Pradalié shared a message of solidarity with Pakistan’s media community in “their fight to restore the freedom of speech and expression for a stronger democracy”.  PFUJ leadership promised further protests would be held across Pakistan by next week against the amendments if the government failed to commit to a platform benefiting journalists and media workers in Pakistan.

Changes to the PECA, tabled in the National Assembly and passed in just 15 minutes, have been widely criticised by Pakistan’s media community, civil society organisations, digital rights activists, and international observers. The law criminalises disinformation, misinformation, or other digital content seen to likely cause a “sense of fear, panic or disorder or unrest”, with offenders facing up to three years in jail or fines of up to PKR 2,000,000 (approx. USD 7,150).

While in Pakistan, the President monitored the PFUJ’s Federal Executive Council (FEC) elections, announcing the results alongside the commissioner on February 13. Later that afternoon, Pradalié attended a seminar organised by the PFUJ and attended by senior politicians, CPNE President Syed Irshad Arif, and senior journalists, with the speakers condemning the PECA amendments, and demanding that the government allowed journalists to work with freedom and cease censorship.

The President also met with Ambassador of France to Pakistan, His Excellency Nicolas Galey, on February 14 to discuss the Pakistani media landscape in the context of recent developments to PECA. During the meeting, the President praised the French government’s support for Afghan journalists, through the issuances of visas and training programs and workshops. At the meeting, also attended by PFUJ Secretary General Shakeel Ahmed and Federal Executive Council (FEC) member Dr. Furqan Rao, the ambassador stressed France’s continued support for freedom of the press.

The PFUJ said:“The IFJ President Dominique visit to Pakistan was a great success that supported a lot PFUJ and journalists’ campaigns and helped to promote unionism in the country.”

The IFJ said: “Journalists and media workers in Pakistan must enjoy their constitutional rights to free expression and press freedom. The IFJ continues to stand in solidarity with Pakistan’s media community in the wake of draconian amendments to the PECA, and urge authorities to repeal the legislation. The IFJ also acknowledges the dedication of all outgoing PFUJ FEC members and stand in solidarity with the next executive through their coming term.”

Written By

IFJ Asia-Pacific IFJ Asia-Pacific

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