Press Statement
Pakistan: PFUJ begun campaign against journalist’s murder
23 Nov, 2022Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has announced to start a campaign against murder renowned anchor person Arshad Sharif here on Tuesday. President PFUJ GM Jamali and Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem has strongly condemned impunity against Murder of Arshad Sharif as no serious investigation could start after almost one month of his murder. They announced a program to protest against such cold shoulder by the responsible quarters. As a first step, a country call has been given to the regional unions to establish protest camps and start a signature campaign amongst journalists and civil society to highlight the issue while a case in the courts would be moved in the second step to have justice.
“We have been asking the authorities and the apex court to take the case of the Arshad Sharif murder but all in vain but now the PFUJ would stage a country wide protest to have justice done,” the PFUJ leadership remarked.
PFUJ Secretary Information & Coordinator
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Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists 8A Aboot Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: +92 321 4613322
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