Press Statement
Pakistan: PFUJ condemn violence on journalists in Occupied Kashmir
23 Aug, 2021Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has strongly condemned the brutal police attack on the journalists in occupied Jammu & Kashmir during Moharram processions in the line of duty and demanded the world nations to condemn the Indian government for severe violation of human rights and clampdown on freedom of speech & expression in the valley.
Millions of Indian troops are present in the valley and making the lives of the Kashmiris difficult to live. The valley has been under continued Curfew for years. Violation of human rights, women rights and torture on media person is a very common but rest of the world is giving cold shoulder to the people living in the valley.
PFUJ President GM Jamali and Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem said that Jammu & Kashmir was not part of India but a disputed area accepted by the UNO. The Indian government be forced to take action against the violent agencies for their brutal behavior towards the working journalists. “We urge the world countries to take a serious note of human violation and violence on journalists by the Indian agencies and troops”, they remarked.
PFUJ Secretary Information & Coordinator
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Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists 8A Aboot Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: +92 321 4613322
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