Press Statement
PFUJ reiterate to fight for women journalists’ rights
09 Mar, 2023Lahore; The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has once again reiterated to fight for the rights of the women journalists on women day and urged the authorities to play their role to give rights. The PFUJ President GM Jamali and Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem affirmed their solidarity with the women journalists of the country and said that their fight for the female journalists’ rights would continue in the days and months to come. It is worth mentioning that the PFUJ has successfully run a project in Pakistan for the rights of female journalists under IFJ-AP umbrella, a couple of months ago to pin point the issues and problems of the women journalists while prepared a document to highlight the issues of the women journalists and put-up proposals to solve them through legislation in the parliament.
Meanwhile, the PFUJ Islamabad chapter & RIUJ held a seminar in connection with the world women day where women journalists, politicians and civil society activists participated and highlighted the issues and problems of women and female journalists. The PFUJ VP Farhat Fatima detailed the issues of women and female journalists and urged the authorities to solve them. She remarked that women journalists fight for the rights of the common women and female journalists as well The Fed Minister Faisal Kareem Kundi, members parliament and other speakers paid tribute to the working women journalists that they had been facing hardship in line of duty and playing their role to highlight the issues of society and the women.
Secretary Information PFUJ
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Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists 8A Aboot Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: +92 321 4613322
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