Press Statement
PFUJ Secretary General urges world media to promote peace
06 Dec, 2023
Lahore: PFUJ Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem has urged the media professionals to play their vital role to minimize violence, hatred, unrest in the world and promote peace & harmony amongst different religions, regions and different societies to make this world worth living. He said that world media should support journalists in Palestine to minimize the loss of their lives. While speaking in an international conference organized by MWL and union of OIC news agencies at Jeddah, Azeem emphasized that media organizations have all the rights to run their businesses and earn living but their prime duty was to be unbiased which was basic key to peace and end differences & issues amongst nations and bring them closer. Journalists represent peace, and peace is the true essence of journalism. He announced to promote this idea of unbiased reporting to bring peace in the world through seminars, discussions and training sessions in collaboration with IFJ, MWL and union of OIC news agencies.
The Muslim World League (MWL) gathered the Union of OIC News Agencies, comprising 57 countries, and the most significant international news agencies from Asia, Europe, and the Americas at the International Forum: “The Role of Media in Inciting Hatred and Violence,”. In his opening speech MWL Secretary-General, Sheikh Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, emphasized on role of the unbiased media had become more important to bring people closer. He added that a believer in his Lord, regardless of his place, time, religion, or sect, knows that his lineage traces back to Adam and his spouse. In Islam, Allah Almighty says, “O children of Adam,” so everyone is Adam’s children, and children are siblings even if they differ in religion, thought, race, color, and land.
PFUJ Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem while addressing the audiences said that the conference must send a strong message to the whole world that journalism should be for peace and equality, so that we can eliminate injustice and elements of hatred from society. The journalism must be free from religious bias, ending hatred, spreading the message of peace, and promoting humanity. As the Secretary-General of PFUJ, affiliated with the International Federation of Journalists, I will convey this message to IFJ so that the statement issued here reaches the whole world through journalism, as a powerful media can establish peace. He announced that PFUJ was ready to play its role in collaboration with International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and MWL and union of OIC news agencies to promote this role of responsible media to bring peace in the world.
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Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists 8A Aboot Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: +92 321 4613322
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