Press Statement
PFUJ – Statement on PEMRA Amendment Bill
21 Jul, 2023The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has expressed serious concern over the federal government’s presentation of the PEMRA Amendment Bill in the National Assembly without consulting the PFUJ while appealed Prime Minister to take PFUJ leadership in loop. PFUJ President GM Jamali and Secretary General Rana Mohammad Azeem while reacting to the proposed bill said that PFUJ has a long history of struggle for freedom of expression and has never accepted restrictions on freedom of expression.
“We have always supported not only the legislation in favor of workers but PFUJ has also presented its comprehensive recommendations. But it is sad that the representative organization of journalists, which is recognized globally, has been kept ignorant of the bill presented in the National Assembly,” PFUJ leadership asserted.
They continued there were many points in the bill that could be used against journalists while the government might put media houses under pressure easily through PEMRA under this proposed bill. The PFUJ leadership said that would neither surrender the rights of workers nor be part of any attempt to shut down media houses or gain control over them through pressure or ny undemocratic law. President PFU JGM Jamali and Secretary General Rana Mohammad Azeem have appealed to Prime Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif and Federal Minister for Information Maryam Aurangzeb to immediately take the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists into confidence on this matter so that freedom of expression can be ensured in the country and media workers also get protection.
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Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists 8A Aboot Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: +92 321 4613322
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