Nepal: Long Term Policy of Information & Communication 2003 06/04/2015 Nepal's Long Term Policy of Information & Communication 2003 consists of government policy for postal, printing, telecommunications, print and electronic media, films and advertisements. Download English
Nepal: Code of Journalistic Ethics 2008 06/04/2015 Code of Journalistic Ethics 2008 is issued jointly by the Press Council Nepal and Federation of Nepali Journalists. Download English / Nepali
Bangladesh: Right to Information Act, 2009 15/02/2015 An Act to make provisions for ensuring free flow of information and people’s right to information. Download English
India: The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 15/02/2015 An Act for the regulation of Printing – presses and Newspapers, for the preservation of copies of books [and newspapers] printed in [India], and the registration of such books [and newspapers]. Download
Bangladesh: The Indecent Advertisements Prohibition Act, 1963 15/02/2015 An Act to prohibit indecent advertisements. 1 WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the prohibition of indecent advertisements; AND WHEREAS the national interest of Pakistan in relation to the achievement of uniformity within the meaning of clause (2) of Article 131 of the Constitution requires Central legislation in the matter; Download English
Afghanistan: Radio Law 1948 15/02/2015 Persons applying to trade in radios in Afghanistan shall be subject to the provisions of these regulations. Download English
Maldives: Cable Television Service Regulation, 2007 15/02/2015 This Regulation provides for the formation and the implementation of Maldives Cable Television Services; and for the industrious delivery of the services to subscribers in a competitive and a fair environment, and for all that is to be done for the development of such Services. Download English
India: Registration of Newspapers (Central) Rules, 1956 15/02/2015 The Bill was passed by the Legislation and it came on the statute bok as the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 (25 of 1867). The nomenclature of the Act has been given by the Indian Short Titles Act, 1897 (14 of 1897). Download English
India: The Cable Television Networks (regulation) Amendment Bill, 2011 15/02/2015 The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act was enacted for the purpose of regulating the operations of cable television networks in the country so as to bring uniformity in their operations, avoid undesirable programmes from being made available to the viewers as well as to enable the optimal exploitation of the technology which had the potential of making available to the subscribers a vast pool of information and entertainment. Download English
Sri Lanka: Social Security Benefit Scheme for Media Personnel Act, 2006 15/02/2015 An act to establish and maintain a social security benefit scheme for media personnel; to provide for the operation and control of the social security benefit scheme by the social security board; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Download English